Viktor Kaminskyi’s Musical Universe




composer, biography, genres, style paradigm, figurative and thematic range of issues


The aim of the article is to analyse V. Kaminskyi’s work, which, despite all the uniqueness of his personality, has not yet been clarified in Ukrainian musicology, and to chronologise his compositional heritage. Results. Thanks to the systematic analysis, the composer’s creative work was comprehended holistically in the context of national and world music, taking into account the value of each work as an artistic and cultural phenomenon. The composer’s work is defined as a complete style system that represents a significant creative heritage in various genres and builds its own, unique paradigm, which constitutes the modern layer of musical culture in Ukraine. The research results can be used in lecture courses on the history of Ukrainian musical culture, in various areas of musical and educational activities, as well as a base for further research developments. The key to a thorough study of the artist’s achievements should be the focus on the implementation of a comprehensive analysis of all components of his work, which is an effective tool for the deep understanding of his talent, going beyond the applied approach to highlighting all aspects of the master's activities in a multidimensional scientific and historical space. All this determines the scientific novelty of the study as the first experience of a special analysis of Kaminskyi’s compositional practice in Ukrainian musicology. Conclusions. Viktor Kaminskyi’s multifaceted creative heritage testifies to his artistic universalism as a phenomenon of Ukrainian musical culture of the late 20th – early 21st centuries. His music is perceived as a spiritual creed of the artist, which is distinguished by a special national dimension that radiates different facets of an original artistic view of the contemporary world.

Author Biography

Tetiana Molchanova, Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy

DSc in Art Studies, Professor


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How to Cite

Molchanova, T. (2023). Viktor Kaminskyi’s Musical Universe. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, (24), 185–195.

