“Gender Portrait” of the Composer Mykola Lysenko
Mykola Lysenko, womanhood, gender portrait, Ukrainian musical culture, women writers, performance, folklore studies and pedagogyAbstract
The aim of the article is to analyse the manifestations and features of the gender component in compositional, pedagogical, cultural and social activities, folklore studies, and performance, as well as in Mykola Lysenko’s private life. Results. It is revealed that womanhood was a significant factor in shaping the psychology, worldview, and artistic universe of M. Lysenko. He, in turn, influenced/captivated women with musical talent and wholehearted dedication to the national cause. The article highlights the nature of the artist’s relationship with his female family circle, acquaintances, female colleagues, co-authors, and performers, on the basis of which the following, thoroughly positive, gender paradigms are defined: filial and parental (more broadly — family) love, responsibility for female students and choristers, collegial and professional respect, appreciation of women’s views, actions, and creative achievements, representation of the latter in his work, and respect for women’s social and pedagogical efforts. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the first-ever research on musical and anthropological issues, dedicated to reconstructing the comprehensive gender portrait of a prominent cultural and historical figure who, along with national beliefs and artistic priorities, influenced society with his own example of cultural relations between genders. Conclusions. The gender discourse of Mykola Lysenko’s life and work showed his exceptionally positive attitude towards the opposite sex, which manifested itself, on the one hand, in the absence of gender stereotypes, pejorative interpretation, or levelling, and on the other hand, in respect for women of different ages, social and professional status. This was facilitated by his thorough upbringing, European education, and the artist’s individual psychological and mental qualities such as communication skills, friendliness, empathy, humanity, decency, nobility, and others.
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