presentation, the 1920s, Galicia, Lviv, creative search, literary group “Mytusa”, magazine “Budiak”, literary and art society “Bohemia”, idea, world view, sociocultural requirementsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the presentation activities of the Ukrainian centres of Lviv in the early 1920s, to promote understanding of the Ukrainian cultural life of this city. Periodical publications of that period were used for the analysis. The defining methodological principle of this study has been the principle of historicism, which allowed us to determine the meaning, place and consequences of the presentation activities as a new form of communication of creative associations. A systematic approach made it possible to determine the interaction of creative groups in Galicia in the 1920s, and methods of analysis and synthesis were used to study the creation of conditions for effective communication with the audience in order to restore cultural life. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that specific literary and artistic events and their significance for successful creative activity have been comprehensively studied. The presentation activities became possible due to the constant demand for creative innovations, which had been increasing in Galicia since the National Liberation Competitions. Conclusions. It has been demonstrated that the presentation activity in the 1920s became a new and for that time sensational form of communication with the supporters of the creative associations, and was aimed at the recovery of the cultural life of Galicia. At the same time, the presentations mostly corresponded to the social and cultural requirements and brought great success to their organizers because they receive extended reviews in the press, as well as due to the ability of the “Mytusa” group to concentrate around themselves not only the Ukrainian literary forces of Galicia, but also emigration formed in Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Germany, Austria in the 1920s. It has been shown that the initiators of cultural events – the groups “Mytusa” and “Bohemia”, the authors of the magazine “Budiak” – managed to maintain connections by gaining the support of others, instilling their thoughts and forms of behaviour and to offer to the public the avant-garde ideology and world view through the imposition on the supporters the desired ideas and behaviour during the literary events and through their own adherence to these ideas. Thus, creative presentation occupies a prominent place in modern art. Thanks to it, the mass movement for “new ways”, which developed in the interwar period, was directed to the traditions and realities of the Ukrainian life.
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