Openness of the Expert Musician to Innovations to Introduce Civilizations Specifics of the Musical Excellence




openness to innovations, expert musician, musical excellence, civilization specificity of activity, activity


The aim of the research is to highlight both the mechanism of thinking and general psychological principles of creativity as part of the musicians` activity initiative.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in art studies, through the comparison of observations of experts and understanding of apperception (the process in which the elements of consciousness become clear), on which the Renaissance scientists formulated the term Dialogics as the law of the author’s discovery, the concept of creative roll is declared as an active prolongation of psychological pattern for the expert to be ready for innovations to combine the experience of a professional tradition with action motivation quoted by society.

Methodology of the research has been analytical, comparative-historical and psychological-orientational approaches, which allowed by comparison establishing the similarity and the difference between historical phenomena in ensuring the interaction of scientific-creative and artistic and poetic decisions in the activities of the expert musician as essentially similar fields of activity and further development of this concept.

In addition, the method of art style comparative art as a mechanism of artistic thinking is used, which prompts an active search to create new samples of creative and pedagogical activity and to choose the most effective methods among them.

Conclusions. It is proved that the mechanism of artistic thinking inspires the expert musician and a teacher for active search, to create new samples of creative and pedagogical activity and to choose among them the most effective ones. However, its implementation in the creative product depends not only on individual intentions, but also on the external-social circumstances that determine the extent and direction of the implementation of individual needs in the independent targeting of the expert musician. It is the latter, together with the accumulation of experience, in accordance with the law of the Renaissance Dialogics, that designed to introduce the expert into an active search, where the innovative specificity of creative discovery is a result.

Thus, the musician’s readiness to innovate in professional activity is defined as a stable new formation in the structure of the musician personality, which manifests itself in the direction of his actions for the continuous improvement, optimization and restoration of professional activity, realized in teaching, development and education both personal and for students.

Author Biography

Liliia Shevchenko, Odesa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, L. (2019). Openness of the Expert Musician to Innovations to Introduce Civilizations Specifics of the Musical Excellence. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, (20), 267–279.

