Synthesis of Arts in Serge Diaghilev`s Seasons as a Dialogue of Cultures: the Post-reality of Interpretative Paradigm
culture, dialogue of cultures, art, synthesis of arts, image, idealAbstract
The article analyzes the understanding of culture through the globalization of cultural potential in principle and a peculiar synthesis, synchresis and intentional processes that form the universal cultural and historical potential, which needs its interpretation in art. In this context, the experience of S. Diaghilev’s seasons shows the very essence of culture as a dynamic integrity. This image was high not only at the beginning of the 20th century, but also still remains relevant today.
The aim of the study is to determine the interaction between the pieces of art, which were played in S. Diaghilev’s seasons as a synthesis of arts and dialogue of cultures.
The study uses the intentional method in order to identify and research the acts of consciousness that are involved in the consideration of S. Diaghilev’s reality. In addition, comparative and systematic approaches are used. A comparative approach allows comparing various cultural phenomena, styles and genres, types of arts in the context of their occurrence. The system and polysystemic approaches allows determining the principles of holism (system dominant) and anti-holism (the dominant of the system part) as an opportunity to find phenomena of cultural practices in various system configurations: social, ideological, advertising, virtual, etc.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that in S. Diaghilev’s season the end of the twentieth century - the beginning of the twenty-first century are defined in the context of a certain cultural auto-reflection, as there were events that are now referred to as global. At that time, they were defined as urbanizing, transformative, and integrative. The great sense in this context is that the creative groups were formed on the edge of cultural institutions that formed the newest reality of cultural development.
Conclusions. It is proved that the synthesis of arts is impossible without dialogue of cultures, and dialogue is impossible without synthesis. Culture is in some way an art that is a culture. This deep identity of art with culture suggests that both are reality, if it is associated with the fine potential (aesthetic, ethical, anthropological, etc.), and is characterized as competence, proficiency, art, creativity, which point to the spiritual flow of the humanity potential as a spiritual measurements in its absolute signs.
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