Reading as a Component in Shaping the Culture of Modern Youth




reading, readership interests, reader needs, reader culture, informationoriented society, social networks


The aim of the article is to identify the readership interests of students, literary preferences that shape their worldview and general culture in the modern information environment.

Research methods. The research applied methods of scientific knowledge: logical-analytical, observation, empirical-theoretical, descriptive, and generalization.

Conclusions. As a result of the study, a cultural analysis of the youth`s readership interests and the impact of reading on their worldview have been made. Despite the advantages of modern innovative technologies, reading remains an integral part of shaping the culture of modern youth, meeting educational and informational needs. The development of the reading culture depends on the readers competence, the understanding of the read content, the motivation to read. Youth`s interest in the literature of psychological, psychoanalytic, and motivational content, which contributes to internal formation, self-confidence, self-affirmation, is a guarantee of the further formation of the moral values of the person. Despite the information flows that shape the influence of the mass audience, its information dependence, the book remains the leading constant in culture and is an intellectual and material component of societys life, and the shaping of readership interest is an element of the reading culture.

Author Biography

Liudmyla Prokopenko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

PhD in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Prokopenko, L. (2019). Reading as a Component in Shaping the Culture of Modern Youth. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, (20), 178–188.

