The Origins and Formation of Library Censorship in Ukraine




censorship, imperial censorship, Soviet censorship institutions, public libraries, library business, “cleaning” of the fund, ministerial directories


The purpose of the work is to explore the history of the censorship establishment in the information library policy formation. Methodological basis of the investigation is a set of principles and scientific research methods developed by modern science. The principle of historicism is expressed in the account of all specific historical factors for determining the stages of formation of library censorship in Ukraine, the allocation of general and special in it. The method of objectivity was reflected in a weighted assessment and impartial analysis of the forms and directions of the embodiment of spiritual and secular censorship. Also, an analytical method was used to determine the principles of the centralized system of censorship bodies that regulated the activities of public libraries, in particular the creation of ministerial directories under which the cleaning of book funds took place. Scientific novelty is to reveal the influence of library censorship as a hindrance to the scientific and cultural development of society establishment of civil society democratic foundations.

Conclusions. The origins of the establishment of library censorship in Ukraine are revealed. The main stages, forms and directions of the spiritual and secular censorship embodiment are investigated. The influence of the Russian Empire censorship on the formation of a public libraries network and the Ukrainian-language literature extraction from the funds of public libraries has been analyzed. The principles of the centralized system of censorship bodies that regulated the activities of public libraries were followed, in particular, attention was paid to the creation of ministerial directories under which the cleaning of book funds took place. The essence of the censorship policy of the Russian government that was aimed at the destruction of public libraries of Ukraine as important centers of Ukrainian spirituality was revealed. The principles of work of the Soviet censorship institutions that regulated the directions of work of Ukrainian libraries, transforming them into institutions of political science were clarified.

Author Biography

Olena Karakoz, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Karakoz, O. (2019). The Origins and Formation of Library Censorship in Ukraine. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, (20), 99–110.

