Legal Protection of TV Programs and Shows as the Objects of Intellectual Property Rights




copyright, related rights, telecasts, TV program, TV show, object of intellectual property rights


The aim of the study. The article analyses the issues of legal protection of TV programs and shows as objects of intellectual property rights, and specifies the peculiarities of legal regulation of these objects and their place in the system of intellectual property rights. The rapid development of technology makes television and its products popular, which leads to the need to improve the legal protection of such an object of intellectual property rights as a television program (show).

Methodology of the study. The main methodological principles in the research are general scientific and dedicated methods; in particular, the structural method is used in the classification and presentation of main material, its analysis and use. The research is also based on the comparative method, system approach and comparative analysis, which allowed understanding the peculiarities of the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries, as well as to structure and consider the legal protection of television programs and shows.

The scientific novelty is to determine the specifics of legal regulation of described above objects and their place in the system of intellectual property rights.

Conclusions. Therefore, the need to define a TV program as one of the types of audiovisual works and to provide it with appropriate legal protection makes sense, considering the creative input in the process of its creation. The specified object of intellectual property rights proves to be rather complicated and requires qualification that will allow placing a particular television program or show to be in a definite group of objects of intellectual property rights and determine the features of its legal regulation and lawful use. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to introduce in the legislation a more precise definition for the television broadcast in terms of the difference from other audiovisual works, for example, TV movies.

Author Biography

Anastasiia Zaitseva, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

PhD in Cultural Studies


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How to Cite

Zaitseva, A. (2019). Legal Protection of TV Programs and Shows as the Objects of Intellectual Property Rights. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, (20), 77–87.

