Multiculturalism: Language and Culture Identity Problem
culture, language, identity, self-disclosure, identity self-awareness, multilingualism, multiculturalismAbstract
Thus the purpose of the work is to study the language (tongue) and culture identity as a means of self-awareness and self-identification in the context of multiculturalism. The methodology of the study is to use such research methods as study, analysis and generalization in order to reveal the notion of language and culture identity, depending on the modern world cultural heterogeneity and the revival of cultural identities, with the cultures enriching each other. The scientific novelty is to disclosure the problem of language and culture identity as a means of self-awareness and self-identification in context of multiculturalism as a cultural studies phenomenon. Conclusions. The existence of language and culture identity, most fully manifesting itself in the social expression of the individual, being the ethnos representative, softens current globalization trends, convincingly confirming the revival of ethnic self-consciousness in modern conditions taking place parallel to the process of assimilation.
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