Peculiarities of Organising Events under Martial Law Conditions




event, Ukrainian culture, event industry, Russian aggression, war, martial law, social and cultural tendencies


The aim of the article is to analyse the social purpose and to ground peculiarities of organising events under martial law conditions. Results. To achieve the goal of the scientific research, the comparative and systematic methods are used. They allowed to identify and substantiate the specifics of organising events in Ukraine after the Russian full-scale invasion, as well as to outline main directions of functioning and prospects for the development of events in the post-war time. The events are viewed as a symbolic capital of culture, its social marker, a universal means of realising the culture creating potential of the public, which stimulates the study of organisational features of events under martial law conditions. The article traces the relationship between social tendencies and event formats during the Russian aggression; specifies the problems that accompany the process of organising events since the beginning of the full-scale invasion; grounds their content and thematic direction; outlines the directions of functioning of events in the post-war time. Scientific novelty. It is proved that events held in Ukraine during the martial law go through a few stages of functioning: the stage of stagnation and re-profiling, which is inherent to event agencies in the first months of the war; the stage of a peculiar revival, which begins in the summer of 2022 and lasts until the end of 2023; the stage of adaptation and recovery, which begins in early 2024 and continues to nowadays. These periods differ in terms of event formats, target audience, and functional focus. Conclusions. It is proved that the specifics of event organisation under martial law conditions are relevant goals and objectives of a certain event; theming and structure of the event, innovative approaches to the format of the event and the way of its implementation. Such a vision is substantiated that in the post-war years the Ukrainian event industry will be characterised by a symbiosis of international, Ukrainian and local tendencies in the development of the event industry with an emphasis on the cultural ecosystem and public activity

Author Biography

Kateryna Haidukevych, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

PhD in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Haidukevych, K. (2024). Peculiarities of Organising Events under Martial Law Conditions. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, (25), 8–16.

