intertextuality, associative musical text, typology of associative musical text, modern trends in working with associative musical text, corporate authorshipAbstract
The purpose of the article is to present the concept of associative musical text (definition, typology, methodology) and analytically prove the viability of associative musical text as an effective technique of modern text forming. Research methodology. The author has applied the method of generalisation, which allowed us to review the intertextuality issue in humanitarianism and systematise observations on associative musical texts; a methodological definition procedure has allowed determining the category of associative musical text; a typological approach has provided the possibility of differentiating associative musical text; methods hermeneuticalsemantic, intonation and comparative analysis, which have become the basis for identifying the intonation and dramatic specifics of the works reviewing. Scientific novelty. The author has proposed the concept of an associative musical text, representing three scientific positions: definition, typology (10 types), and research methodology. Conclusions. The article proves the associative musical text concept as a categorically independent, functional, or contemporary composer’s thinking. It is found that associative musical text, as one of the basic, technologically developed mechanisms of text formation in modern music, is the sphere of activation of meanings that is always different, aimed at dialogue or counterdialogy with the primary source, author, era and its socio-cultural priorities. The theory reasoning for the concept is carried out based on “Сarpe Diem” by the Ukrainian composer A. Bezborodko and “Biber. Battalia a 10 (with pieces by PatKop from “Ghiribizzi”) by Moldovan and Swiss artist P. Kopachynska. Various trends in the work of a modern composer with intertext are studied: from Game modelling of “fragments” of old texts with the discovery of their unexpected figurative and semantic resources (“Сarpe Diem” by A. Bezborodko) to adaptation in a new artefact of a complete composition of the past (“Bieber. Battalia” by P. Kopachynska). The article has proven the significance of the associative musical text as a perfect heuristic mechanism of modern text formating, thanks to which there is the reconstruction and updating of “old” text phenomena and an alternative reputation of the modern author as a co-creator of a corporate artefact in the article.
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