cultural studies, scientific and theoretical, scientific and practical issues, systematisation, the communicative function of collections of scientific worksAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyse a number of collections of scientific works that have actualised culturally oriented issues. The research methodology is based on general scientific principles, namely terminological and systemic, and has determined the use of such research methods as analysis, synthesis, and generalisation. Emphasis is placed on the potential of a personalised approach, which outlines the theoretical and practical interests of domestic scientists, and allows adjusting the research space of Ukrainian humanities. Scientific novelty. The process of developing arguments on the special features of the interaction of different humanities in the field of culturology and the gradual development of the principles of culturological analysis is reproduced on the example of regular scientific publications. Conclusions. The subject of collections of scientific articles of 2019–2021 showed a noticeable interest in the following theoretical issues, namely: further improvement of the conceptual and categorical “support” of cultural research, reconstruction of the process of formation of the phenomenon of “turn” with an in-depth analysis of “anthropological”, “linguistic”, “cultural” turns and identification of “pros” and “cons” of such a theoretical construction. A prominent place is occupied by issues that reveal the “intersection zone” of cultural studies with other humanities: philosophy, history, psychology, and art studies. Significant publications are those that focus on the history of culture as the basis for the formation of cultural studies. A significant segment in modern cultural studies belongs to the issue of the specific character of art, which organically combines the history and theory of culture, having a clear significance for outlining the ways of further development of Ukrainian art studies.
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