holiday, holiday culture, Revolution of Dignity, public holiday, commemorative day, calendar of public holidaysAbstract
The purpose of the article is to characterise the development of modern holiday culture under the influence of the Revolution of Dignity and to study its impact on modern cultural processes in Ukraine. Holiday culture unites various historical and cultural stages of Ukrainian society. At the same time, at the present stage of development, holidays acquire new expressive and symbolic forms, unite citizens with common ideas, and create the spiritual core that unites us into a conscious nation. The research methodology involves the use of general scientific, historical, comparative, analytical, and axiomatic methods for a systematic analysis of the impact of the Revolution of Dignity on the holiday culture of Ukraine in the 21st century. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article outlines general trends in the development of the Ukrainian holiday calendar after the Revolution of Dignity and in the context of the Russian- Ukrainian war since today’s social challenges affect changes in the new holiday calendar of Ukrainians. Conclusions. The article provides an analysis of the development of modern holiday culture under the influence of the Revolution of Dignity and its impact on modern cultural processes in Ukraine. The transformation of traditional and familiar holidays is revealed. On the examples of the introduction of public holidays and anniversaries, the relationship between the main events of public life and the country’s holiday calendar is demonstrated. It is proved that Ukrainian holiday culture, as a phenomenon of the Ukrainian people, has an active influence on the development and formation of the national identity of both the younger generation and the adult population of the country. Thus, the uniqueness of the spiritual richness of the Ukrainian holiday makes it an invaluable pedagogical asset for educating young people, preserving national traditions for future generations.
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