education, culture, Kherson region, Bolsheviks, military aggression, propaganda, political and ideological attitudes, societyAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyse the peculiarities of the formation of the “Bolshevik world” in the education and culture of the Kherson region. The current situation in Ukraine is somewhat similar to the beginning of the 1920s when the “Bolshevik world” was formed, and the population was instilled with a Soviet worldview. The scientific novelty consists of studying artificially created cultural and educational paradigms in Ukraine as a phenomenon of humanistic genocide by the Bolsheviks. The research methodology consists of applying the approaches of cultural studies, pedagogy and history, and analytical, structural and problem-chronological methods to find out the purpose of the Bolshevik educational policy in the formation of a new cultural space. Conclusions. It is proved that after the seizure of power in Ukraine, the Russian Bolshevik elite began to impose the “Bolshevik world”, spreading ideologically directed Russianlanguage literature as a means of fighting for the masses. The author noted that the Russian language was automatically transferred to the Ukrainian educational process, the main element of which was the propaganda of communist ideals. The school basis was labour and social education, collectivism, commune and herd thinking. The most critical in the political world was assigned to institutions of higher education, admission to which was carried out on a social basis. Culture should also serve to popularise and instil communist ideology. Art was defined as a form of social Marxist-Leninist ideology in the interests of the proletariat’s class struggle for communism. Almost all representatives of Soviet culture were tested entirely. Only works of art that corresponded to Bolshevik dogmas were allowed, and political and ideological attitudes measured their artistic value. The population had to read “ideologically correct” literature only, not have their own opinion and work. Consequently, a certain “genetic” selection was made when people of proletarian origin loyal to the Party were needed to govern the country. In the mass consciousness, socialist culture promoted absolute faith in leaders and Communist dogmas.
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