COVID-19, youth leisure, Ukraine, creative projects, creative industriesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the organisation of leisure of Ukrainian youth. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive analysis of the national system of actions to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, implemented by the Ukrainian government; analytical, structural and logical, comparative methods that allowed us to consider the legal status, educational and leisure activity of young people in Ukraine, international experience of youth participation in social projects to counter the spread of COVID-19; the method of theoretical generalisation, used to summarise the results; cultural approach, which helped to identify factors of influence of national measures on the activities of cultural and creative industries. Scientific novelty. In this study, we present three creative initiatives of Ukrainian youth to organise their own leisure activities, which were launched during the lockdown and created on the basis of the rich potential of national cultural heritage and folk traditions. Conclusions. In response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukrainian state has developed a system of measures to prevent it. Despite a large number of places for leisure, sports, and creative activities in Ukraine, lockdown restrictions and bans caused by COVID-19 led to their closure, and young people focused on leisure at home, creative self-development, and selforganisation of their free time. It is determined that the best international experience of youth activity in countering the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic is realised mainly in the social dimension. The young people of Ukraine do not stand aside from the global challenges of our time, but initiate unique creative developments under pandemic conditions. Ukrainian creative initiatives are presented, including the online project #GlobalLesyaUkrainka2021 and the successful experience of self-organisation of leisure activities by students of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (Challenge#Lovynamysto and Winter Magic Fest).
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