Olga Bench, life and work, cultural figure, diplomat, conductorAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the main stages of the life and work of the famous Ukrainian cultural figure, musicologist, conductor, teacher, diplomat Olga Bench. The research methodology includes biographical, systematic, interviewing methods, which made it possible to highlight the versatile activities of a person who is concerned about national culture, education, and the image of Ukraine in the world. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time the life and work of Olga Bench is revealed in today’s realities. The materials of the study of professional, scientific, pedagogical, creative, administrative activities of O. Bench, which form a cultural aura of positive ideals important for the current situation in the Ukrainian society, have been introduced into scientific circulation. Conclusions. The determining factor in the formation of O. Bench’s personality was family upbringing and traditions based on deep national principles, musical environment, a number of talented teachers. A spiritually rich world and high national consciousness, active citizenship have become the foundation of personal development and creative realisation in the musical, educational, diplomatic, and administrative spheres. The life and work of Olga Bench is an example of serving the national culture, which is inextricably linked with educational and cultural processes in the modern Ukrainian area, the formation of a positive image of Ukraine in the world.
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