visual communications, graphic design, logo, symbolism, semioticsAbstract
The purpose of the study is to identify the possibilities of visual symbolism in the creation of a company image using a logo in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Research Methodology. The historical, historical-comparative, analytical methods were used to conduct the research; art history methods — formal, figurative-stylistic, semantic analysis — were used to identify the figurative and symbolic language of the company’s logos late 19th – early 20th centuries. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the works of foreign and national scientists of the 20th century, the symbol and mark are characterised as means of expressing the phenomenon essence, and the existing classifications of symbols are considered. The logos used in the late 19th – early 20th centuries in the world practice and on the Ukraine territory are analysed. The example of the Prudential Financial insurance company (the USA) shows that the use of a symbolic element remained unchanged in the process of its changes during 1860–1996. On the example of the trademarks of Ukrainian enterprises — the Ernst Mehlhose Agricultural Machinery Plant (1874–1923), the F. V. Alsop in Kharkiv enterprise, Luhansk Textile Mill (1904–2001), Kyiv Contract Fair (1797–1930) — the methods of visual identification are considered, the artistic means are determined; the comparative analysis is carried out. It is established that the image of the rock in the structure of the American company logo is a symbol of strength and security and appeals to its main characteristics. It is determined that in the means of visual identification of Ukrainian enterprises of the late 19th – early 20th centuries, there is a tendency to express clearly the company specialisation through realistic images of architectural buildings that belonged to them or produced products, as well as ordinary names with moderate artistic design.
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