Vasyl Yemets, Bandura art, Ukrainian culture, virtuoso instrumentalist, combined way of playingAbstract
The purpose of the article is to define Vasyl Yemets’ impact on the development of Ukrainian and world musical culture. The research methodology provides a theoretical method to reveal different aspects of the issue under study; historical method to systematise and synchronise information and investigate the issue essence, cultural method to trace individual stages of the artist’s work and reveal his specifics performing skills. The scientific novelty of the study is to determine Vasyl Yemets’ contribution to the development of Ukrainian bandura art, the features of its Instrumental performance and theoretical results, which has become an essential tool for preserving and spreading Ukrainian culture. Conclusions. It is proved that Vasyl Yemets’ contribution to the world and Ukrainian musical culture consists in developing his own combined way of playing, mixing the traditions of Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Poltava schools. It is proved that he went down in the history of the twentieth-century bandura art as a soloist-performer of a new concert type-virtuosoinstrumentalist, composer and arranger, bandura designer-innovator, author of scientific and journalistic works on the history of Kobzar art, as well as as an artist who brought Ukrainian musical culture to the world level, proposed the standard of the solo concert performance on the instrument and formed the principles laid down in the basis of the work of his followers in the Ukrainian cultural and musical environment of Europe and America.
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