AI-technology, painting, algorithm, digital painting, 3D-printingAbstract
The purpose of the article is to explore the specifics and uniqueness of visual works created using AI technology. The research methodology is based on applying analytical, theoretical, and conceptual research methods of technological art and the interrelation between digital technologies and art in general. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the art forms that created using digital technologies were analysed for the first time. In the article, we have considered the phenomenon of technological art due to integrating art and technology. Conclusions. It is revealed that due to the mathematical analysis of the artists’ artworks, certain algorithms of the author’s work can be found, the main components of the work of art can be analysed, and the sign system of art can be transformed into a system of a different order which is numerical one. Thus, the colour, shape, positioning of the objects on the canvas (composition) — everything turns into numerical formulas and combinations. The graphic drawing is transformed into digital, algorithmic. A certain number system is being built, which allows to group works (one artist, era, art movement) into single collection systems, analyse and identify similar algorithmic chains, and create new art products based on these algorithms using the obtained numerical combinations. It means that with algorithmic analysis, it is possible to compare and even combine different types of art within one plane, one form, and one art product.
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