Boychukists, tapestry, arts and crafts, Kovrovshitsa cooperative and trade craft society, Kazakhstan, Nikolai Tsivchinskii, Ukraine, Mykhailo Boychuk school, All-Russian Decorative Art MuseumAbstract
The purpose of the research is to introduce the creative achievements of N. Tsivchinskii into scientific use in the context of the formation of the art school of the Ukrainian avant-garde of Mykhailo Boychuk. The study’s objectives are to determine the origins of the formation of the muralist and arts and crafts master N. Tsivchinskii’s work, his contribution to the shape of the history of the Kazakh professional tapestry. His work reflects the penetration and deep insight into the significance of traditional cultural identity, the Boychuk school’s monumentalism inherent. One of the few surviving Boychukists who were scattered to the four corners of the earth by fate, N. Tsivchinskii developed the versatile skills, artistic language, and tradition of the Boychuk school also became one of the brightest figures in the Kazakh decorative and applied arts. The life path and work of N. Tsivchinskii reflect the most critical and tragic chapters of the country development thoroughly, which is no longer on the map. The research methods used are biographical, source-based, and historical. The methodological innovation of the research is the use of the biographical approach along with the historical one in the framework of the “new comparative history” as an effective tool for studying the artistic heritage of Kazakhstan and Ukraine in the Soviet era. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the introduction of new information about the artist, whose work was only mentioned in the context of the Boychuk school scholars’ activities, a significant part of whose followers were destroyed during the years of the Red Terror. Conclusions. The work of N. Tsivchinskii is considered in the context of the activity of the art school of M. Boychuk, where he became an arts and crafts master. In the 1930s, in Kazakhstan, N. Tsivchinskii continued the traditions of the Boychukists, became the founder of the first carpet cooperative craft society, which became a truly significant phenomenon in the history of the formation of professional decorative and applied art in the republic.
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