creative industries, cultural space, digitalisation, historical and cultural dimension, evolution, digital communications, digital tools, digital products, globalisation, transformation processesAbstract
The purpose of the article is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the peculiarities of the digitalisation process in the creative industries of Ukraine through the prism of the cultural aspect. The study highlights and substantiates the conceptual foundations of the evolution of the transfer of cultural and creative space to the digital environment. The historical and cultural aspect of digitalisation implementation in the creative industries of Ukraine is analysed. The study describes the main strategic priorities of digitalisation of creative industries. The research methodology involves the following methods: historical and analytical method is used for primary data collection and analysis; system analysis identifies the theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of “digitalisation” in the cultural and creative space; logical generalisation is applied for the theoretical justification of the historical and cultural aspect of digitalisation in the creative industries of Ukraine; fundamental knowledge is used to identify digital platforms, digital tools, and technologies as a mechanism for cultural products promotion and communication with consumers; the predictive method is applied to summarise the results and understand the importance of digitalisation in the creative industries of Ukraine in the historical and cultural aspect. The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical and methodological systematisation of the evolution of digitalisation in the creative industries of Ukraine through the prism of the historical and cultural dimension. The study focuses on the three-dimensional aspect of digitalisation of creative industries: as a need, as a requirement, and as a driving force for innovation in the cultural space through the prism of human-centrism. Conclusions. It is proved that in the historical and cultural aspect the concept of the implementation of digitalisation has radically modernised the creative industries of Ukraine and opened new opportunities for the creation of new ideas, innovative projects, collaborations, and readiness of Ukrainian artists to join world tendencies.
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