
  • Irynа Koniukova Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



etiquette, ethnoetiquette, information society, sociocultural transformation


The purpose of the article is to study the sociocultural transformations of etiquette in the information society. The research methodology was based on social and philosophical analysis, which embraces philosophical and general scientific approaches and methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis, modeling, as well as principles of classification were used in considering models of building the information society. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the analysis of sociocultural transformation of etiquette and revealing its characteristic features in the information society. Conclusions. Ethnic Ukrainian etiquette has undergone significant changes in the process of sociocultural transformation, but remains present in the phenomena of traditional ritual culture, household precautions and prohibitions. The modern information society, on the one hand, eliminates and changes the established etiquette norms and traditions of communication, but, on the other hand, it promotes the dissemination of knowledge about ethnoculture, popularizes and preserves, and sometimes revives, forgotten customs. Sociocultural transformations of etiquette influenced the productive and creative human activity, while forming certain labor, aesthetic, ethical, legal, and other skills. Cultural norms in their external expression provide for a kind of symbolism, a certain sign system, at times very complex. The transformation of etiquette rules and norms into a stable regulator of human activity assumes that they are assimilated by a person, becoming their inner conviction. That is, etiquette norms are certain patterns, rules of behavior, or actions that have become internal regulators of human actions, and which are changed under the influence of external factors.

Author Biography

Irynа Koniukova, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Koniukova, I. (2017). SOCIOCULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS OF ETIQUETTE IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, (18), 111–131.

